Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Riding the wave

Today is just one of those of those roller coaster days.  I have had a lot of things happen (car issues/leaky pipe/dental insurance) one thing after another.  So I'm riding the roller coaster of emotions today and missing both of them very much.
I thought you might all like to see a current picture.  This was taken a couple weeks ago.  He is well and settled.  I think he looks quite a bit thinner.  I don't have a current picture of Brady.  But he is spending his leave days with Jayme and I'm hoping she will bring back a few pictures to share.  I am so thankful they get to spend a few days together.  And I pray they really have a fun and relaxing time together, too.

I have had a wonderful response to my crayon and marker request.  Thank you everyone who has contributed. It will really bless him and help him do his job.  I am still gathering them and will start sending them soon.  I have had very generous donations for shipping as well.  If you are interested but haven't heard what I am doing, please contact me and I'll give you the information.

Labor Day weekend found Ayden and I taking my mom and dad to Mt. Rushmore.  I have always been fascinated with watching my sons see things for the first time.  Watching children be amazed at something is awesome.  This was Ayden's second trip and he was amazed in a different way this time.  But I have a new perspective after watching my parents view Mt. Rushmore for the first time in their lives with all of their life experiences.  I am very blessed to have experienced it with them and I am so thankful we made the trip.  Every moment in my life is a learning experience and I learned a lot about myself during the trip, too. 

So while today has been a wave of emotions, it is also a learning day, too.  And tomorrow is another day and one more day passed until the guys return home. 
God bless,

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