Saturday, August 14, 2010

August what?

I had to pick up my phone and look at the date twice this morning. I really can't believe it is August 14th and school is just around one more weekend corner.  Logan will start his college classes, Laramy will be a junior, and Ayden will attend Mom's Academy for one more year.  More amazing to me is our two year anniversary of living in this house.  And even more amazing to me is Eric informing me today that we are 1/6th done!  I can do six...six of something is easy.  Six miles on my bike is nothing..I can't even remember my sixth birthday...and eating six M&M's...well, you can't even remember that it happened before you've eaten six more.  So I'm counting down to six.  I love ends and yet it never ends.  So we'll count down to six and then we'll figure out something else to count down to.

I originally intended for this blog to keep everyone informed about Eric.  But being unable to share many details about him in written form has turned this blog more into how you cope as a wife and family of a military member.  And for Eric, sometimes we are so busy taking care of details over email or phone, he enjoys reading a story about his family.

Everyone around me has been awesome about keeping me busy and checking on me, the kids, and asking about Eric.  Work is keeping me busy in the evenings which is a difficult time for me. I even went and volunteered at the State Fair yesterday!  I'm not sure Eric believes me on that one..but I did.  Next Tuesday, Brenden and I will go to Iowa City for his cardiologist appointment. And I'm sure the trend of staying busy will continue once school starts.  I am looking forward to Labor Day weekend and our trip to Mt. Rushmore with Ayden and my parents. 

I have been sorting, organizing, and rearranging.  Last Thursday I had to be up early to meet Jayme and her mom for a little more wedding gown shopping.  If you don't know, I am not the best morning person...okay, I'm not a morning person...and sometimes I don't even remember getting dressed in the mornings.  I was running a little behind so as I searched for my lighter denim jeans I grabbed what I thought was the pair I wanted, put them on, and kept going.  And I was out of time to make coffee or stop for coffee to wake me up.  After the first shop, Shellie stopped at Kum & Go for me.  And that is when I became very conscious that I did not know what or whose jeans I was wearing.  But they fit and they were comfortable.  But the hems were worn away and tattered which was confusing to me. I shared this with Jayme and Shellie and we shared a is bizarre to not know  whose jeans you are wearing.  I wore those jeans all day long and until I got a chance to visit my half-organized closet to see if I could find the jeans I had intended on wearing.  And it turns out that I was wearing an old pair of Logan's jeans!  So I'm going to finish organizing my closet today.

It was very special to go with Jayme and her mom this week as she searched for her wedding gown.  Brady is going to have a stunning bride!  I can't wait to see his face as she walks down the aisle.  And I loved the grin on her face and the twinkle in her eye when she knew she'd found the one.  She was so beautiful in the dress that we'll forgive her for being a... choking here... Hawkeye.....  ;)

Prayer requests:
1) Please pray for Eric as he is still traveling and hoping to reach his final destination very soon.
2) Pray for Brady as he is adjusting to being away from home.
3) Safety always for both of them.
4) Praise for my health.  I am feeling awesome, well-rested, lots of tears and saliva, and lots of progress with my tennis elbow.  Please pray my Sjogrens stays in a upswing as I manage the house through the coming seasons.

Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with the hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

love and blessings,

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