Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One big prayer answered

The last few weeks have been incredibly busy for Eric and I because we were finishing up our Christ Renews His Parish time. I really can't believe that the "6" months are over already! So this post is all about our Christ Renews brothers and sisters.

When Eric and I went through the weekends in the fall, we did not know that it was more than a renewal weekend. We didn't know that it would continue on for six months. He was really surprised that I decided to continue. We are both so grateful to Father Hurley and Father Halbur and our men and women in our groups. We feel doubly blessed because we went through it at the same time. And now we see God's purpose.

I am the most guilty of wanting to ask a thousand questions so that I am not surprised by anything. Why is it so difficult to trust God's path? If we are seeking God's will, we should just fall in (good military reference) and watch and wait. I think this is a lesson I will have to constantly be reminded of.

When we started Christ Renews, we did not know Eric would be deploying. I had a hint of a possibility but I believe I was in denial that it really could happen. It was not public knowledge when we found out. So I confided in my dear, sweet friend, Melody and my Christ Renews sisters, the Lees and the Freesemans. Eric also told his Christ Renews brothers. And then we waited and prayed. The support we felt from them all was unreal.

In January, we were free to tell everyone. I started this blog. We were devastated when we found out Eric's drill schedule had changed to the men's weekend. I know they were all praying because Eric was able to participate more than he imagined was possible. In the meantime, Eric and I started praying about a laptop for him to take. I listed it on this blog but only told one person. We were praying for someone to have a laptop they could send with Eric that they weren't really using but had skype capabilities.

Our prayers were answered a couple of weeks ago during our Friday night service when our brothers and sisters presented us with a brand new laptop for Eric. I could not have been in more shock or been more grateful! They have given us the gift of communication! I don't even really know how to express my gratitude.

So now going forward, I see God's purpose. We have the best support system in place to endure the next year. Without a doubt, I know they are all praying and so many other family members and friends. Our very large church now seems very small and I look forward to their smiles and hugs. And I will miss our Monday night meetings very much!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Prayer requests:
1) Praise for the laptop!
2) Praise for my brother-in-law, Larry, and his continued healing
3) Praise for melting snow!

Psalms 91: 11&12 For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways. With their hands they shall support you lest you strike your foot against a stone.


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