Friday, January 22, 2010

My Troops

Believe it or not I have been surprised by people's reactions when I tell them about the deployment. I'm not sure what I was expecting. But I wasn't expecting the sadness, tears, and shocked looks. I suppose I have been expecting this for a long time. Don't misunderstand me. I was not jumping for joy when he told me. But I know I have also spent years preparing for this moment.

A few years ago our good friend, John Mayer, and his son John Michael spent a year in Kosovo. If Eric had stayed in the guard, he would have went with them. During that year, I never thought much about Eric missing out. But when they returned and we went to the open house, I realized Eric should have been with his fellow soldiers and my heart ached for him. I knew, even though he couldn't say it, that he wished he had been with them. When Eric decided to re-enlist, I did not hesitate. He is a soldier and he is incredibly happy being a soldier. He is who you want defending your country. But all this time he has been sitting on the bench. And now it is his turn to play the game.

I have completely different feelings about Brady being deployed. When 9/11 happened I was thankful that Brady had asthma and would never have to serve. But Brady is his father's son and he always wanted to follow in his footsteps. He thought his dream was lost. But his asthma turned out to be severe acid reflux. He was able to enlist. I would never step in the way of any of my children's dreams even when they want to step in harm's way. When he was injured at basic, his heart ached and it saddened me to think that he might not accomplish his dream. He did. When they stood face to face at the airport in their Class A's...what a moment for me as a wife and mother! my troops here at home... don't be sad or look at us with pity. But stand proud with me and behind our family as we go through this time. Pray for us. Laugh with us. Hug us. Fly a flag. Call us to chat! Send us an encouraging email. Come visit. At times we may need you to cry with us. Knowing that we have support will make this so much easier!

So we will send them off with an ache in our hearts and a smile on our faces!

Prayer Requests:
1) departure date after Logan's graduation
2) great first drill weekend this weekend for Eric with his deployment team

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.



  1. I am glad we have each other to go through this process together since Eric and Brady will both be gone serving our country.

    I am also glad you started this blog, hopefully I will remember to read it often!

  2. What a lovely wife...and we are so blessed to have your husband, your soldier go on behalf of everyone of us who are free! I thank God for families like yours!
