Friday, February 3, 2012

Don't blow my cover....

I haven't felt particularly inspired to write for quite awhile. I usually find inspiration when I'm on my bike...and considering this very warm winter we are having... I should be on my bike.  But I've been thinking a lot about my blog lately and how much it meant to me during the deployment.  And now that the deployment is behind us I've contemplated creating something new...except I love my Pugh sitters here.  And so, while we are still a military family, you will start finding me write more about our daily lives...all kinds of things, actually. 

Many of you may not know that our daughter-in-law, Sarah, has celiac disease and is allergic to wheat and I am also gluten intolerant....well, they diagnosed me with celiac, too. But I'm still slightly in denial. For the past three years I have been on a hunt for recipes and spent many hours searching for ways to eat our favorite things gluten free.  Quite frankly, eating gluten free and reading every label for wheat allergens (including shampoos and the like), really sucks the life out of the cake and gravy! But never fear...we have recently had much success.  And I see delish cakes and cookies in our future!  While it is difficult, I can tell you that living gluten free has really changed my health and saved Sarah's life.  So it is all worth it for sure. 

While Eric was deployed, I learned I needed to be even more cautious with label reading.  I had been avoiding breads and all of the obvious gluten items.  But, I hadn't been reading all of the fine print for myself.  Turkey and sour cream are two examples that a person might think they don't have to worry about.  But modified food starch, unless it is labeled corn, is made from wheat.  And it is used often as a thickener or flavor enhancer.  Who knew? 

Also, having celiac disease and being allergic to wheat are two different things.  I am not allergic to wheat.  What I have is like being diabetic..if I eat wheat, rye, or barley, I do invisible damage to my intestines and may or may not give me a very bad stomachache.  Diabetics can get away with eating some sugar....but eventually the damage they may do becomes irreversible.  The same is true with celiac disease.  Or I can eat properly and my body will heal.  Did you know diabetes and celiac disease are both autoimmune diseases?  Sarah's wheat allergy requires her to carry an epi pen. 

Well, thanks to my mom, Brenden thought he was cheating the gluten issue when he enjoyed some delicious cookies she had made over Christmas.  Bren was at our house without Sarah...and then I informed him they were gluten free...he said, "Aw, man, I thought I was getting away with something and eating the real deal"!  A crumb on Bren's lips could pose quite a problem for Sarah if he kisses her.  So he stays clear of gluten and wheat, too. 

Last week, I found a wonderful recipe for "cheese" crust pizza.  I believe this is going to be the next classic "cheesy noodles" recipe in our family.  When the boys were little, the only way they would eat tuna casserole was to tell them it was cheesy noodles.  And in the beginning, I used to blender the sauce so they couldn't see the tuna chunks.  But they grew up loving it as one of their favorite dishes.  And then Brady went to college and called home for the recipe..and my cover was blown.  Well, my cheese crust pizza is going to stay a secret for awhile until they fall in love with it..and then I'll reveal the recipe on here.  I loved it and Lare and Ayden licked it all right up without asking. They didn't even seem to notice the huge grin I sported. 

btw...I seem to do fine with beer made from barley..but I stay away from wheat beers...and there are some good gluten free beers on the market, too.  If you are really sensitive to gluten, all beer must be avoided which I did for a very long, long time.  And then I tested it to see if I had any symptoms which I did not.  And I would if it bothered me, because the longer I am away from gluten the faster I get sick if I get into something accidentally. But everything in moderation is still a good rule to follow...even if it is gluten free cake!

God Bless and happy February!
James 1:12

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